16 de marzo de 2022


DEF 1:
 According to Krüger (2007) micro e-learning is “the acquisition of a given information or learning material in small units that can be absorbed quickly. Microlearning denotes a shift of interest from formal, hierarchically organized ways of institutional teaching to the more direct and pragmatic ways in which people acquire knowledge in everyday life.”

APA: Krüger, N. (2007). Micro-E-Learning in information literacy. People, 128.  https://www.ifla.org/past-wlic/2012/93-kruger-en.pdf

DEF 2: According to Luminiţa Giurgiu (2017) micro e-learning is  “A pragmatic innovation for lifelong learning. Pragmatic – because it is congruent with current information and communication models and can be easily adapted to support individual learning needs, especially in informal learning contexts. Innovation – because it offers a new way to design and organize learning, such as learning in small steps and small units of content, structure and sequencing based on the co-creation of content, generation and use of content through social interaction”. 

APA: Giurgiu,L.(2017). Microlearning an Evolving Elearning Trend. Scientific Bulletin, 22(1) 18-23. https://doi.org/10.1515/bsaft-2017-0003 

DEF 3: According to Jomah, Masoud, Kishore and    Aurelia (2016) micro e-learning “Is all about getting your eLearning in small doses, as tiny bursts of training material that you can comprehend in a short time (http://www.efrontlearning.net dated on 10/10/2015). It goes along with traditional eLearning, but in smaller segments”. 

APA: Jomah, O., Masoud, A., Kishore, X., & Aurelia, S. (2016). Micro Learning: A Modernized Education System. BRAIN. Broad Research In Artificial Intelligence And Neuroscience, 7(1), pp. 103-110. https://www.brain.edusoft.ro/index.php/brain/article/view/582/627  

DEF 4: According to Kamilali and Sofianopoulou (2013) micro e-learning “Is an emerging theory of learning that utilizes web content, with activities of short duration. It offers a new way of designing and organizing learning, like learning in small steps and small units of content, with structure and classification created by the learner. It is a new theory and a precise and comprehensive definition has not been given yet. New dimensions and new perspectives of the term are continually added”

APA: Hug, T. (2010). Mobile Learning as ’Microlearning’: Conceptual Considerations towards Enhancements of Didactic Thinking. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (IJMBL), 2(4), 47-57. http://doi.org/10.4018/jmbl.2010100104 

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